The paper of "Unravelling alternative splicing patterns in susceptible and resistant Brassica napus lines in response to Xanthomonas campestris infection" has been published on BMC Plant Biology. Congratulations!

In this study, the authors compared the alternative splicing (AS) landscapes of a susceptible parental line and two mutagenized B. napus lines with contrasting levels of black rot resistance. Different types of AS events were identified in these B. napus lines at three time points upon Xcc infection, among which intron retention was the most common AS type. A totalof 1,932 genes was found to show differential AS patterns between different B. napus lines. Multiple defense-relateddifferential alternative splicing (DAS) hub candidates were pinpointed through an isoform-based co-expressionnetwork analysis, including genes involved in pathogen recognition, defense signalling, transcriptional regulation,and oxidation reduction.

This study provides new insights into the potential effects of post-transcriptional regulation on immuneresponses in B. napus towards Xcc attack. These findings could be beneficial for the genetic improvement of B. napus to achieve durable black rot resistance in the future.

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